欲罢不能 yùbà-bùnéng [can not refrain from carrying on;be unable to stop even though one wants to] 想罢手也不行。指已形成某种局面,无法改变 夫子循循然善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼,欲罢不能。——《论语·子罕》 欲盖弥彰 yùgài-mízhāng [Try to conceal a mistake,only to make it more conspicious;the more one tries to hide the more one is revealed] 想隐藏坏事或过失的实情,但却更加暴露 欲壑难填 yùhè-nántián [Avarice knows no bound greed is like a valley that can never be filled] 欲望很大,难以满足 欲厚遗之 yùhòuwèizhī [will present rich grifts] 遗,馈赠。要厚加馈赠 欲火 yùhuǒ (1) [concupiscence]∶指炽盛如火的欲念(多指淫欲) (2) [sexual passion]∶情欲之火 欲绝 yùjué [wild] 感情极其强烈的,感情非常激动的 悲痛欲绝 欲念 yùniàn (1) [drive]∶强烈的渴望 一个为旧式民族主义和帝国主义的欲念所束缚的俘虏 (2) [erotic feeling]∶情欲之念 (3) [desire;wish;lust]∶欲望 欲擒故纵 yùqín-gùzòng [go sb.line enough;leave sb.at large the better to apprehend him]故意先放松对方一步,以便更好地控制住 欲求 yùqiú [desire] 指欲念和要求 欲望 yùwàng (1) [desire]∶对能给以愉快或满足的事物或经验的有意识的愿望 (2) [lust]∶强烈的向往 (3) [sexual desire]∶肉欲或性欲 欲以 yùyǐ [want to take(this)] 即“欲以(之)”,想借(此) 侯生…直上载公子上坐,不让,欲以观公子。——《史记·魏公子列传》 欲以动上意。(即“欲以之动上意”的省略。)——宋·王谠《唐语林·雅量》