荣宠 róngchǒng [be in sb.’s good graces] 禄位和恩宠 备受荣宠 荣达 róngdá [illustrious and influential] 荣耀显达 荣光 róngguāng (1) [glory]∶荣誉;光彩 (2) [cloud]∶彩色的云气,古人认为是祥瑞之兆 (3) [lustre]∶花木的光泽 荣归 róngguī [return in glory] 载誉而归 荣华 rónghuá [prosperity and high position] 开花,引伸指人之显贵 富贵荣华 荣华富贵 rónghuá-fùguì [wealth and rank;high position and great wealth] 指人兴盛显达,财多位尊 我则道他一世儿荣华富贵,可怎生被包待制斩了,人皆欢悦。——《元曲选·鲁斋郎》 荣获 rónghuò [have the honour to get or win] 光荣获取 荣获冠军 荣军 róng-jūn [disabled soldier] 荣誉军人的简称 荣名 róngmíng [glory;good name] 荣誉;美名 死有遗业,生有荣名。——《淮南子·务修训》 荣任 róngrèn [holdpublic office] 称颂人光荣担任某一职位 荣任部长 荣辱 róngrǔ [glory and dishonor] 荣耀和耻辱 荣辱与共 衣食足而知荣辱。——《史记·货殖列传序》 荣升 róngshēng [be promoted in glory] 光荣升迁 荣退 róngtuì [retire in glory] 光荣退职 他五十多岁就已荣退 荣幸 róngxìng [be honoured] 光荣而且幸运 很荣幸能在美国见到你 荣耀 róngyào (1) [glory]∶应得或能够赢得崇高称誉,光荣;光彩或赞赏的习性 (2) [honour]∶良好的名声或社会名望 (3) [bright]∶花木茂盛鲜艳 荣膺 róngyīng [receive or assume in glory] 荣幸接受或担当 荣誉 róngyù [honor;glory] 由于成就和地位而得到广为流传的名誉和尊荣 荣誉感 荣誉军人 荣誉军人 róngyù jūnrén [disabled soldier] 对残疾军人的尊称